A Benefit Communication Plan is created to reach the entire employee population, including employer groups with employees located in multiple locations. It is advantageous for Explain My Benefits to become involved early in the renewal process as the benefit communication plans and enrollment strategies are fully customized. We become an extension of the Human Resource Department alleviating Human Resource Management from the typical open enrollment stress due to numerous employee benefit and “how to” questions.
Do employees understand how much money their employer contributes to their benefits?
Because there is a captive audience during the benefit communication process, companies can utilize this time to demonstrate how much money they contribute to the benefit package resulting in greater employer appreciation. Positive corporate messages can be incorporated along with employer contributions within our benefits communication strategy delivering a consistent and concise message across the employee population..
When employees make final benefit elections do they truly understand their benefit package and make wise decisions?
- Over 80% of group meeting information presented is forgotten
- We always explain in Layman’s terms the value of employee benefits and how they work
- We strive to help the “everyday” employee understand what insurance they have and what insurance they need to protect their health and financial goals
- Benefits can be communicated via individual enrollment meetings, call center operation, online enrollment or any of them in combination